Equipment Used
A page dedicated to the camera equipment I use for your photo and video shoots!
I get a lot of questions regarding the gear I use, and how to use it, so here's a start to answering all of your questions. I love chatting about photography and different shoot set ups, so if you want to talk more please get in touch! My contact form is at the bottom of the page.
Some of these links are affiliated.
Sony A7IV
When I need more megapixels I reach for my A7IV - if commercial projects need large prints for their event set ups or advertising campaigns this is my go to. Also great if I want to crop my photos more and keep brilliant image quality. This eats up file sizes (and SD cards) so I need to make sure I have extra memory available if it's a full day shoot.
Sony Zeiss 55
I love this prime lens, particularly when using for videography and with my gimbal. I love that you have to move more with a lens that doesn't zoom, and think more about the composition of the photo/clip. A great lens and not too expensive. 55mm vs. 50mm? No difference, as far as I'm concerned.
Ronin RS4 Pro
Used for videography, this gimbal is sturdy and easy to transport, with good battery life and a good app to use with a phone. If you're looking to get in to video and want it to look professional I highly recommend buying a gimbal, this one does the job nicely, although there are plenty on the market that are priced lower and do a great job.
ND Filters
Important for long exposure photography and high quality video in low light, I use my ND filters a handful of times over the season. Not important when you start out - but grab one cheap and get used to it for when you want to start getting more professional with your video. Remember that each of your lens sizes will need a different ND filter - so choose sizes wisely!
Billingham Bag
I love my Billingham shoulder bag and use it for jobs where I need two lenses and my drone, and generally not straying too far from my vehicle. It's the perfect size. Otherwise, I use the cheapest Amazon backpack, picked up at the start of 2019, that I just can't part ways with as it's perfect for the job!
Rode Wireless Go II
If you're going to be attaching your microphones to other people for interviews, or vlogging, or basically not standing or sitting in the same spot whilst filming, I recommend these extremely portable and great quality mics. You can attach a lavalier microphone to these or use as is. DJI do a great version too if you want a comparison product.